The My Chemical Romance Concert last night was amazing!

It was amazing.
It really was.

We pulled into parking lot of the venue and I see a guy signing things in a hoodie. I thought, "Oh that's probably Frank." But as we got out of the car and walked closer, we saw that it was Bob. I was like, "Oh my god. Bob freaking Bryar." We started walking over to say hi and... he walked away. So, I was like, "Darn."

Then we walked around to the front and found Alene/SnowWhite. She jumped on me. We talked with her father for a while then went to stand in line for an hour and 15 minutes. We made friends with a few of the people around us. Those guys were funny.

We made our way in and ran straight onto the floor and made it so we were three rows away. More people started to fill in the floor and people started pushing. Then Drive By came on and people rushed forward, crushing me and Alene. I got pushed almost ten people away from Alene and made it back to three people away by the time Billy Talent came on. A guy stood behind me and let me rest against him. Billy Talent did their freaking amazing set and then it was time to set up for MCR.

I used that time to push my way to Alene and ended up right behind her. A few songs in, I started zoning in and out of consciousness. So, I had to be pulled out of the pit.

...Gerard was wasted.=[
But he was still kind of funny. "In order to sell the cookies, you have to wear the uniform." So today, I have to find a way to use the word, "Pizazz." Mikey had his Mikey F***king Way shirt on. And his hair looked awesome. According to Gerard, he's always ready. Ray... Holy fro. Bob still needs a hair cut. Frank was adorably short. And Gerard looked like a shaggy puppy. =]

They played Cancer, and I cried hardcore.

Gerard flat out told us he was wasted.

The concert ended, I found Alene, helped her up the stairs, found out that she punched someone, went to the merch room, found my aunt, got two shirts, a pair of gloves, and two CDs, then went around back.

I met all of Drive By, two people from Billy Talent (those guys were really sweet), and then the pinnacle of my night, I met Frank Iero. I received a hug, a signature, and a very short chat. =]
His hugs are AWESOME and he is a sweetheart.

I met Szophia from the MCRmy and she is awesome.

I'm still so stoked that my Aunt got those tickets for me!
For my first real concert, it's probably the best I will ever go to.
April 24th, 2008 at 12:42am