My first ever concert! It was MCR and rocked!

I saw MCR Tuesday! AMAZING!!!!

My day:
First we got there at 4, the doors opened at 6. People ahead of us kept singing. It was ok but it got annoying after awhile. The people behind us were hysterical! The singing people were singing "To the End" and at the "woah" part the kid behind starting screaming it and the singing people turned around and he's like, "I'm back-up! Keep going!" Then they made comments like, "Save the singing for the band!" and of course "Shut up!"

The best part was when people had to go through the line to go out the door someone screamed, "everyone back up and let them go through!" Then the fun kid was like, "Not our fault they're so fat!" Everyone turned around and he's like, "Oh, who the hell said that?"

While getting garbage from people the kid said, "Wait, shouldn't those girls in the front be in there(can)?" Some girl wrote "fuck" on their neck and since it was so hot it was running and she said, "Damn my fuck is running!" 0_o

Drive By was amazing! Then Billy Talent came out. Holy crap! He was like caffeine induced! Very energetic. During the concert he said, "Everyone look out for eachother this isn't a Limp Bizkit Concert." (Not sure how to spell that name, don't kill me!)

MCR came out and played Headfirst for Halos, My Way Home is Through You, Kill All Your Friends, and DESERT SONG!!!
Gerard saying: Use Pizazz at least once the next day! (I did!) Someone held up a "Drowning Lessons" sign and Gerard said, "I'm sorry honey I wish I could but I can't. But you guys may think you want to hear a Bullets song but you don't. Demolition Lovers is like 7 minutes long and half way through you're like I want to hear the Black Parade again!" Then they played Headfirst for Halos. Gerard lied lol.

Then more Gerard antics.

After the show we waited outside for MCR to come out. They said they weren't, no one left. Then they announced again, "Really they aren't coming out!" Most people left. We stayed and Frankie came out! I got his autograph! I was so nervous this is how it went..

Frankie: Hi how are you? *grabs paper and signs*
Me: Good how are you?
Frankie: Good.
Me: You're awesome.
Frankie: Thank You!
Me: *looks at hat* I like your hat it's awesome.
Frankie: *looks up* Thanks.
Both: Stare at eachother.*
*Frankie moves down the line to sign autographs leaving my heart pounding*

He has such pretty green eyes! We were like the same height! LOL Mikey came out but didn't come over to say hi. :( I think it was him...

No one else signed though.

It was GREAT!!!
April 24th, 2008 at 01:16am