...The anticipation...

Tomorrow is going to be fucking amazing! My sister and I are heading down to Tennesse for the night. It's going to be nice. And oh the show is going to be an experiance. If you're wandering what I'm talking about then I'll tell you. Tomorrow my sister and I are going to see Bon Jovi and Daughtry. Oh god I can hard;y wait to see Tico play live! Yes, I have a thing for the oldest member of Bon Jovi, I don't know why, I've loved him since I was little. I think it was the drums. I guess you could say he was my first crush...Yeah I can hardly wait to see them

Another random thing. In Nikki Sixx's books "The Heroin Diaries:A Year in the Life of a Shattered Rockstar" the entery dated September 19, t987 Robert Stadium Evansville IN, Is where I go to for concerts I live maybt half an hour from E-ville. I thought that was freaking cool. I love this book. It's haunting. And after he almost kicked the problem and got back on it I wanted to beat him in the head. I'm so glad Nikki's doing good.

I also wrote a poem. I'm not sure if I'm gonna post it or not though.
April 24th, 2008 at 05:29am