What really get's on my nerves...

Ok, so i sent a lovely email to Burberry, asking them to please stop using animal fur. The part that bothered me was the responce. They make it sound that it's ok to murder animals as long as it's not done cruely. Hello people, it's inhumaine to kill an animal for fashion anyway. It makes me sick the way some people can look at this issue and feel that's it's not a big deal. Well for those of you out there who would agree with Burberry, or who wear fur let me ask you one question; would you want to be killed so your skin could be worn by people? Next time you go to buy fur, think about the life that was taken for your stupid jacket. Just think about it, and tell me that you still don't care.
-Stephanie Lynn

To Burberry:
Fur is cruel and unnecessary. The fur industry is putting a cruelty in the limelight and exposing the companies which use it as uncaring and uncompassionate. Animals that are killed for their skins are slaughtered in cruel and unusual ways. A few ways are anal electrocution, drowning and gassing. The need for fur is unnessary. There are ways to get the same look without the murder of animals. Haven't you ever herd of fake fur, it looks and feels the same as fur, and it saves lives.

By not using fur, you will show that your company is forward-thinking in the smae way your competitors are, including Vivienne Westward, Stella McCartney, Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein and Mark Bouwer. These lines are not only fur free but well known. Not selling fur did not make people anyless likely to buy their products, if that is what you fear.

Please stop using fur in your desings and adopt a fur-free policy. Think about the lives you will be saving, not just the money you are making.

Thank you,
Stephanie Lynn

To Stephanie Lynn:
Dear Madam,
Thank you for your feedback regarding Burberry’s use of natural hides.By way of background Burberry is an international luxury brand producing apparel and accessories with a distinct British sensibility for over 150 years. During this time and as a company with a strong outerwear heritage, there has been and will continue to be limited occasions where the use of natural hides will be considered important to meet consumer tastes and demand. Burberry believes that any materials sourced from animals should be produced without inflicting cruelty or threatening the environment. We will not use natural hides if there is any concern that they have been produced by the unacceptable treatment of the animals. For this reason we do not source such materials from China.We source natural hides very carefully safeguarding the correct ethical standards and traceability. We principally source fur from SAGA furs in Finland who are well known for upholding high standards of ethical treatment of animals and share our concerns about animal welfare. Consistent with this approach the farms which supply fur are open to third-party inspections at any time.We do understand your concern on this understandably emotive subject particularly given the inaccurate statements and images that are used in connection with Burberry's use of natural hides. So thank you for taking the time to contact us on this subject and giving us the opportunity to reply.
April 25th, 2008 at 01:32am