Where is the Love?!

If you knew me in real life, and heard me say this, you'd be like 0.0

I'm being serious though! I am a very caring, loving person. I have an extra ordinary need for wanting to take care of people, to love people. I'm just not that good at showing it... hence the glaring, huffing, puffing, sarcastic comments and tripping people who get in my way at school. Don't tell me I'm a doll, I know =p

Why does everyone hate on everyone so much?! Why can't we just go with the flow, let people be who they wanna be, do what they wanna do. Let people have their religion! Let people be proud of their culture! Let me live!

Because honestly, who gives you the right to judge another? Are you God...? Well if you are, April fools! ...24 days late...he he.

Off track. Again.

Tomorrow is Day of Silence and if you're doing it, and actually get through the day without speaking, comment me. I will applaud you. (aren't you just pumped now?)

See, I would love to do it... but I'm a blabber mouth. I never shut up, actually. My mind is like a ferris wheel that goes around and around... I'm reminding myself of Bob Saget right now. Full house, LOL! Okay. I'll stop.

Did you get any of that?
April 25th, 2008 at 03:37am