your teensie ways aren't well mended together.

Did you know if Frank was truly a vegetarian he would not be allowed to eat Skittles even though almost every story has him obsessed with them?

You want to know why?

1)For Skittles Have Gelatin.

But Gelatin doesn't seem bad. But do you know the main ingredient in gelatin?

Animal Bones (and something else but I can't quite remember it. Animal fat maybe?)

I'm a vegetarian and I have cut all those products and many of Mars Candy products (skittles, m&m, starburts, ect. -other major candies except for hersheys.) for they test on animals.

So you see, try to think twice if your going to make Frank a vegetarian-he is, right?-and like Skittles at the same time. So the next time you write a story, make up your mind.

Vegetarianism or Skittle whore?
April 25th, 2008 at 05:55am