More Like Day of Assholes

Today, April 25, 2005, was the Day of Silence. I was very glad that I chose to do this day, so I was able to witness the events that occured personally. I was surprised at how many people actually participated in the day, and how many people learned about it. Most people, how ever, were rude and beyond insulting. At our school if you participated in this day, people made stickers, bracelets, and so much more, so people would recognize who was participating and who wasn't. For those who decided not to participate, were very rude to the ones participating. I respect all those who don't believe in same sex relationships, but you don't have to be mean to the ones who believe in it. I was yelled at, mocked, people kept trying to make me talk, I was tripped, and worse of all...I was spit on. Just for what I believed in, I was spit on. We were never mean to you for not liking gays or bi's, but you were mean to us.
April 25th, 2008 at 10:30pm