Anger. Alcohol. A teenagers dramatized thoughts.

Ok well... Wow, hello Mibbians. I am really bored. And tired. And I haven't been around here in forever. Hmph... I've smoked too many cancer sticks today, and I've eaten not enough sushi... And... I kinda have to pee, so here is some spoken word I'm planning to perform at a competition on Thursday.


I am a waking dream,
in the world beyond your sunglasses.
I am leader.
I am the voice breaking through the barrier of ice you are continually captured in.
I am a saviour of those with bloody hearts;
Bloody hands;
of those with shattered souls and dreams;
of desperatos.
I have a power -
The power to see through your mary-jane clogged thoughts,
and to convince you not to conform to the mainstream.
To let you know that you are better than those who cause endless,
I have realised that the purpose of my being is not to be noticed,
but for my words to be heard
by those who are in need of conviction.
Can I melt the icicles hanging from your petrified heart?
Because you are becoming a somebody,
a sell-out, one of the perfect nobodies that make the world spin round.
You are the true hero.
You are my saviour,
my soul,
my dreams;
You are my mind,
my being.
April 26th, 2008 at 05:47am