Your pretty face is going to hell

Lol may I just say that I love my journal entry name? XD
Anyway but there's a reason for it...I guess

So my friend was looking at Kurt Cobain pictures the other day (reason the anniversary of his death which was several days ago) and she found a catholic site that was saying how rock is devil's music and stuff and it had a list with deaths of rock stars and it said that they died young because aparently they all worshiped the devil *rolls eyes*.

It was hilarious. It had 1000 reasons why people would go to hell because of homosexuality and "improper" music.
It has a whole section on Marilyn Manson as well, which is funny cause I'm going through a small MM faze; not anything special, just listening to his "sinful" songs all the time hehe.

So now by the looks of it, all of us here (talking about people that like rock music and stuff) will go to hell. And aparently people who have been divorsed, are homosexuals, had an abortion and blabla. Ain't it funny? XD
I'm serious I can't stop laughing at the site I mean the catholics there said
That the ONLY reason why the don't KILL Marilyn Manson is because they'll go to jail.
YES I'M SERIOUS. Not because if u kill someone you'll go to hell, but because they'll go to jail for it.

Religious dudes said that.
Maybe some of you through my mixed up thoughts have understand somethin so...

Our pretty faces are going to hell or what? ;D
April 15th, 2007 at 02:11am