Back with nothing but...

I'm back to complain again.

And I'm sorry everyone is stuck listening to me but honestly, no one else does (and you can probably see why). But anyway... Saturday, April 26, was my birthday. I share that birthdate with my other friend Becca. Well apparently we /were/ going to have a party together but then it turned into just Becca's party. Basically, all of our friends were invited to her party. So I decided to invite my two friends Kat and Evan to this japanese restaurant. They both agreed to join me but just the day before the actual dinner, Kat had Evan tell me that she wasn't coming because she didn't have a ride. I said I could give her one but she was going on a ghost tour with his girlfriend, Madison.

I don't want to go into much detail about the whole situation but there was a LOT of lying involved. Kat lied to me, and did it every single time she changed her story when she told it to me. It's frustrating because now I know I can't trust her.

But yeah, that's just part of it. Today I got in trouble for running up the phone bill when it wasn't in my honest intentions to do so.

But whatever.
Life sucks and I'm stuck on this rollercoaster ride of hell.
April 29th, 2008 at 03:41am