
For the past few days - or is weeks? - I find that if I place myself in front of a blank piece of paper, ballpen in hand, I panic a little.

Not that I'm afraid of paper.

No, that's ridiculous.

I just feel that whatever I write down is mediocre at the most.

I'm afraid to write down even one sentence, let alone a whole paragraph.

Or a whole chapter.

No matter how many people tell me that I write well, I always think that they're just being nice.

My dad tells me I'm being silly.

But he's my dad, right?

It's his job to make me feel better.

I feel really inferior everytime I read someone else's work, and it's amazing, because I know I'll never amount to be half as great a writer as they are.
April 29th, 2008 at 11:38pm