Hiya! I'm new!

Hi! I'm new here and its all thx to my friend David how is currently writing a story here. I am really glad I joined because I can already tell that I'm gonna have fun here. Anyways a little more about me than my profile says is that:

Favourite Books:
The Time Traveler's Wife; The Frog Princess series; To Kill A Mockingbird; Revenge of the Homecoming Queen; Twisted Sisters; Just Listen; The Truth About Forever; This Lullaby; The Door To Time; The Long Lost Map; The House of Mirrors; The Isle of Masks; Miracle on 49th Street; The Time Capsule; To Catch A Prince; The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles; Ruby Holler; Once Upon A Marigold; The Calypso Chronicles: Pulling Princes, Stealing Princes, Dueling Princes, and Dumping Princes; The Mysterious Benedict Society; The Penderwicks; The Penderwicks on Gardam Street; Cornelia and the Audacious Escapades of the Somerset Sisters; A Song For Summer; The Prophecy of the Stones; The Wedding Planner's Daughter; The Cupid Chronicles (one book); Angel on the Square; If I Have a Wicked Stepmother, Where's My Prince?; Saving Juliet; A Wrinkle in Time; Pincess Academy; Love, Ruby Lavender; Where I'd Like To Be; The Secret of the Old Clock (the only Nancy Drew book I can stand); I Coriander; Telling Christina Goodbye; Scribbler of Dreams; So B. It; Tuesdays with Morrie; The Five People You Meet in Heaven; Twilight. Thats all I can Think of right now! lol.

Favourite Music:
I like lots of different kinds of music. BUT I can't stand Rap or Country! I have more than one favourite band/group/singer. I love My Chemical Romance, my favourite song by them is Teenages! I also like Classical music, Piano and Orchestra. I have many songs by Mozart, Chopin, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, and well you get the idea. But yeah in reality I like many different kinds of music.

Favourite Movies/Shows:
Movies: Wimbeldon, The Wizard of Oz, Becoming Jane, Just Like Heaven, The Harry Potter series, Titanic, Princess Diaries, The Sound of Music, The Pink Panther Movies, Night at the Museum, Ella Enchanted, The Odd Couple, The King and I, Singing in the Rain, and ... many more that I can't think of right now.
Shows: CODE LYOKO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jeremy Belpois rules!! Also I like Ouran Host Club and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya ( not as much as the 2 mentioned before).

Favourite Musicals:
Avenue Q!!!!!!! Rod is the best in that musical! (even though I hate swearing with a passion, and some of the things are questionable). Also I really like The Wizard of Oz (big surprise lol) and The Sound of Music.

I really hope you enjoy my stories, poems, etc. Have a nice day!
April 29th, 2008 at 11:42pm