Day of Silence

I know the youth movement, Day of Silence, already passed, but in my area, or my school rather, we are doing it tomorrow because on the 25th we were on April Vacation.

So I'm pretty excited for it. I didn't do it last year...'cause I was still pretty unaware of my sexuality and didn't even know about it, so this year, I heard about it from going to GSA meetings and from my friends. Really, I think it's great what we're doing. A few of my straight friends asked me why it was so important to me and I couldn't explain it. I thought about it, and here's why I think the National Day of Silence is so important.

Initially, the whole Day of Silence thing was started as an annuel, active form of support for the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered community and their allies. GLBT people have been kept silent for generally, a fuck load of years. What the idea here is, is that the kids who are participating in it, or the ones that already did, echo the silence. Not in a mocking way, but to actively show their support in doing this. It is also to remind the people who aren't participating in it/hadn't participated in it that GLBT people are strong, faithful people who have hope for a better future for people of their "kind".
April 29th, 2008 at 11:45pm