ok so i have no clue wat im talking bout right now i just feel like... i dont even know... but ya so have u ever been in a fight & someone starts yelling at u 'who do u think u are?? who the hell do u think u are??' that gets on my nerves sooooooo freaking bad... so i just look at them & im like ummm... idk who i am mabye someone can tell me... o wat i know who i am then i basically just yell my name at them & walk away.


teachers... i hate them... well most of them... the other day i had 2 go potty (yes i just said that) & my teacher told me 10 minutes. 10 minutes later & i asked him again & he said NO... & my friend asked 2 go 2 too atleast 4 times & he told her no also... so then we just walked out & he locked us out... so we had 2 sit in iss for the rest of the period. thats the freakin second that happend 2 me this school year...


smiley faces... they scare the living crap out of me... the way they smile its like they are hidding something its creepy... so everytime someone draws a smiley face on my paper i just look at them like there crazy & scratch a hole in my paper erasing it... sooo ya i am basically scared of smiley faces.


so my friend told me 2 talk bout abusement of kids... i dont like it... i think that poeple who beat there kids should go 2 fucking hell... i mean i know that if ur a kid u may love ur parents even though they beat u but i think that if that happends 2 u then u need 2 get away from it no matter wat. i dont really now much bout it except that its really wrong & if i ever had a friend that was being beaten then i would help them out & if one of my friends grow up 2 be that kind of parent then i would kick there ass... exuse my french...


music... i love music soooo freakin much its basically my life... im always listening 2 muci. im my sleep, school, on the bus, going places, cleaning, outside, anywhere basically... i dont know wat i would do without my music.

so this is wat i think bout some stuff.
April 30th, 2008 at 03:08am