okay no offense to those who are happily-impaired, but seriously. is this place a nest of emos and goths??
if so let me know now so that i can avoid being terribly annoyed with stories of depression and neglect and all that crap that EVERYBODY goes through that a few people act like they cant handle because they're ridiculously weak-willed and apparently too stupid to behave like "normal" human beings (although there is no such thing THERE IS A LIMIT PEOPLE!!!!).

Now seriously, i've had my share of sadness and what one would call "depression", but letting lamentation and anger consume you only end in disaster and is a waste of your life as well as everyone else around you. YOUR PROBLEMS ARE YOURS TO DEAL WITH... stop blurting them out for pity... morons....

let me know ASAP if this is not the place to be... kay?

i seriously do not like being annoyed. -_-
April 30th, 2008 at 03:28am