if you kinda care, heres me I guess

1. Name: Alyssa Shaw ( Ali though okay?)

2. Middle Name: Ariel

3. State: California (sadly)

4. Place of Birth: San Diego, Ca

5 Male or Female: Female.

6. Hometown: San Diego, CA

7. Bus: don't have one no more

8. School: a really shitty ass place

9. Occupation: Nursery Worker

10. Initials: AS

12. Hair Color: Brown

13. Hair Length: just below the shoulder about an inch

14. Eye color: blue/green/golden

15. Best Feature: ears

16. Height: 5'6"

17. Braces: yep

18. Glasses? Yes.

19. Freckles: yes

20. Diploma: elemantry school

21. First kiss: 12

22. First best friends: Andrew

23. First Award: some stupid church one

24. First Sport You Joined: Basketball.

25. First thing you did today: scream "fuck you alarm".

26. First Real vacation: Ummm... dunno

27. First thing you said today: "fuck you alarm"

28. First Love: Andrew

29. Movie: Edward Scissorhands or Saving Private Ryan or Stranger Then Fiction

30. TV Show: Pushing Daiseys

31. Color: Black, Red

32. Rapper: eww none

33. Place to get groceries: commesary

34. Food: Sushi and Butter Sandwhiches ( I liked them before MCR)

35. Season: Winter

36. Candy: Skittles or Milky Way

37. Sports: icky, none

38. Restaurant:La Bella.

39. Friend: Jori

40. Store: Hot Topic [how cliche, I know.]

41. School Subject: English, creative writing, History

42. Animal: Puppy

43. Book: The Catcher in the Rye, It's Kind of a Funny Story, Impulse, Twilight, The Perks Of Being A Wallflower, uhh theres alot

44. Magazine: AP

45. Doing before you started this: Writing Imaginary Wedding Gowns (my story)

46. Feeling: procrastination

47. Wearing: Icky school uniform.

48. Crying about: Not at the moment

49. Eating: Nothing.

50. Drinking: Soda.

51. Dreaming: about him.

52. Typing: This

53. Listening To: Your Awful, I love You!- Ludo

54. Thinking about: this

55. Wanting: a bean burrito

56. Watching: The monitor

57. Where do you see yourself in 5 years: in New York, struggling to make the rent

58. Kids: I want to adopt

59. Want to be married: I guess

60. Career in Mind: Starbucks personal

-On the opposite/same sex-

61. Sport: hopefully none

62. Shirt: black

63. Hair color: Dark on boys, punk colors or bleach blonde on girls.

64. Hair length: Long on boys, any on girls except super short.

65. Eye color: Green, brown

66. Measurements: Taller than me.

67. Cute or sexy: Cute.

68. Lips or Eyes: eyes.

69. Hugs or Kisses: Kisses

70. Short or Tall: Tall.

71. Easygoing or serious: Easy-going.

72. Romantic or Spontaneous: Both.

73. Good or Bad: Naughty but nice.

74. Sensitive or Loud: Both.

75. Hook-up or Relationship: Relationship

76. Harley or Crotch Rocket: idk

-Have I?-

78. Kissed a STRANGER: yes

79. Had major surgery: yes

80. Gone commando: uhh, afew times

81. Ran Away From Home: yea, but I returned hours later.

82. Broken a bone: only my nose

83. Got an X-ray: on multiple places

84. Been on a cruise: yea

85. Broken someone’s Heart: I think so

86. Dumped someone: Yes.

87. Cried When Someone Died: Yes.

88. Cried at School: Yea

-Do I believe in?-

89. God: Yea, sure

90. Miracles: Depends

91. Love at First Sight: NO, thats lust

92. Ghosts: Yea

93. Aliens: Yea

94. Soul Mates: No

95. Heaven: Yes.

96. Hell: is home

97. Answered prayers: no

98. Kissing on The First Date: depends

99. Horoscopes: I like to read them

-This last question is for you-

100. Did you like me? Or should I change? Or talk more about myself?
May 1st, 2008 at 06:48am