Heya, so anyone see them at the London Astoria on April 20th or was it just me? Can't have been, cause there was a full house!

Just wanted to have a chat with people about how awesome it was if anyone was there.

I reckon it was pretty amazing, and when Jimmy sang Barbie Girl! Priceless! The fact that there was no break between him starting the song and the crowd singing the next line says a lot about MSI and their fans.

It was... enlightening certainly when Jimmy pulled his trousers down as well, could his boxers have been any longer!? Wasn't complaining though, :D.

At the end when Steve, Righ? just stayed completely still on stage and when Jimmy eventually came out and got him onto that board and wheeled him off! That was funny, very random but amusing nonetheless!

I stayed behind, as did many and got my ticket signed by Kitty and Lyn-Z, I also got a lovely hug from Lyn-Z, which rather made my day! Unfortunately, I never got anything from Steve or Jimmy, but there's always next time I guess. I do have a very close up picture of Steve's head though, cause he was outside the bus and I was standing next to him.

And next time, yeah, next time, I have a ticket to go see them again in London in a month or something, so my aim is getting to Jimmy, and I am damn determined to do it.
May 1st, 2008 at 07:39pm