May 1, 2008

Today is such a long day, we had that freaken TAKS
and i had the stupid science one and it fucken sucked ars cus i havnt taken science all year and when i took it was all messed. cus when i missed school i had to make up the credits and i had to do secon senester first and 1st second.
now im siting in my sculpture class watching a surfing vidio cus our teach is a hippy and loves surfing..... she has like idk 20 bags of stuff to recycle... its ourtagous. im bored out of my mind thinking about how bad i failed the test.... i know its going to look bad and i wish i was better at science.
i have a new fav band called
Tokio Hotel....i know they have been around for a long time and i should have found out before just three days ago but im kinda out of the loop.... the rest of the day im going to sit around like a lumb on a log cus i gots nothin to do and it drives me crazy....this surfing vidio has some instrumental music going on. idk what the bands are or what so bored i just needed something to do... i wouldnt be surprised if you wernt reading this ne more if i were u i wouldnt of even started to cus that would be pointless and a waist of ur truly is. plus i cant spell worth a shit. never have been able to..... iw onder what time it is. ill never know cus i cant read a standard clock and the stupid one on this comp says its 8 25 pm and im shur tis not at all cus it quite bright and i would be at home and not here. i probly would be laying in bed sick....i seem to get sick when its time to sleep and i dont ever sleep that much. im not good at it.....
is insamina hereditarty? i wonder cus my mom has it bad
and idk y i stay up...but my lil sis and lil bro sleep all night and its hell to make them wake up..... Kp dosnt think im really writing the thinks im faking it...but she hasnt looked at the computer just yet<sclpture Teach> she is the shiznit... and the reason im reallly gunna go to college. i wana be a sclupter and sell my stuff and be teacher certified....i guess i should learn to spell...... but idk y i should most of it looks like the right words......i bet ur bored of reading this....i bet noone ever reads my stuff and i woldnt realy care cus thats fine with me its like how it is at home where no one ever listens to what i say.... i dont even talk lot i just like to sit around and do nothing
mom says i should take a preggers test before i go to see dr.russel so i can get back on the shot.....
i dont think im preggers... i know what all the semptoms are and im not having we use condoms....
ohhh yah yall dont know bout my low life boyfriend who is actualy rich and one of the youngest mazda racecar drivers
ill call him..... dick... not his name but im gunna call him that
i call him lowlife cus the fucker keeps cheating on me.....and when i found out i cheated on him with his friend BA(big ass) who is hot but a compleate dumbass who dosnt know what to do about nething.... and he is not that good in bed.... ok im done talking bout that doubt u wana here it.

so mom has us taking these diet pills....called dexatren and they work cus im not hungury but i can eat....i had breakfeast and lunch....little stuff....i should probly work out.... but i dont like to do it cus when i start within no time i guve up... i guess u could say im lazy and im ok with that.

man i love to read ppls stories on here.....
my fav are vampire ones
and A7X ones
and well MCR ones now
i read all kinds tho.

Oh and ppl my b-day is in 15 days and im stoked even tho im not gunna get what i want.... (shhh....she wants snake bites but her mom hates them.....this is Kelly her friend she dosnt know im typing she had to pee and told me to tell u goodbye and she will write soon)

well im gunna post this and let yall go cus i bet ur bored of her rambling
May 1st, 2008 at 08:34pm