Computer apps class and Bamboozle tomorrow!

Hello my dear Mibbians!

What you may not know is that, as I'm typing this, I'm sitting in my Computer Apps class at my school. I actually just found out that Mibba isn't blocked here a couple days ago and it makes my school life that much easier. =D
I'm actually supposed to be doing something on Excel but sitting here in the back of the computer lab, all cozy in my MCR hoodie eating Raisinets is much more I right? XD

Anyway, you can expect a really, really long journal from me tomorrow or Sunday, because I'm gonna be going to Bamboozle tomorrow! *spaz* It seems like forever since I got the tickets for Christmas and it's FINALLY HERE! I'm especially excited to see Mindless Self Indulgence....they are one of my favorite bands (and the main reason I'm going), and I'm going to meet every single one of them if it's the last thing I do! Haha.

So....I apologize in advance if this journal made no sense to you, but when you're extremely tired and bored out of your mind with 25 minutes left in this freezing computer lab...there isn't really anything else to do, now is there? =D

Amanda Way
May 2nd, 2008 at 06:57pm