My Chemical Romance [School prodiect]

My chemical romance also called MCR or My chem is a band from America that was formed in 2001. There are 5 members in the band, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Frank Iero, Ray Toro and Bob Bryar. They’re first album was called I brought you my bullet, you brought me you’re love and was realest 2002. They then want from the Eyeball Records and were signed over to Reprise Records and realest major label debut Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge in 2004. They’re next album was realest in 2006 and had the name The Black Parade. They have also filmed a live DVD in Mexico City that will be realest sometime in 2008, hopefully soon. They’re music is described as ‘pop punk’, ‘alternative rock’, ‘post-hardcore’, ‘emo’ and ‘punk revival’. But the band members describe they’re music as ‘rock’. MR have they’re main influences as Queen, Thursday, Iron Maiden, The Misfits, Morrissey/The smiths and the beastie boys. Some off they’re old fans say they’re just a sell out and that everyone that listen to them is just another poser, many other artist in other bands have criticized the band openly in the media. Marilyn Manson is one off the many. Some rumors say that Marilyn Manson wrote the song Mutilation is the Most Sincere Form of Flattery as an attack on the band for he’s Eat Me, Drink Me witch he later on has denied, but it was just aimed at bands in general seeking to imitate him

This is just a school prodjec. So I wonder what you tougth off it?
May 2nd, 2008 at 10:42pm