the beginning is weird . . . i warn you.

i wonder. i wonder if life underwater is any different when it comes to some situations. like love. i wonder . . . hmmm . . . . i'm so damn confused by everything. very few listen to what i have to say. and even when they do, only one understands. we understand each other. that's why we're best friends, and nothing more. why is it that whenever i find someone to like, they like never like me or can't like me. there's always an issue. everyone never seems to have these problems. they probably do but no one knows it. i tell about these problems. i'm telling right now. i pour out my issues, my life, to everyone who could care less. or just wants to talk about their problems. i start concentrating on other things besides school. friends are my life. the part that has absolutely no problems (that's a lie). but no matter how social or friendly i may seem, i'm a completely different person. i act most of my emotions. i listen and understand but i, sometimes, lose it. i feel all alone sometimes . . .
May 4th, 2008 at 06:41am