ok i need major help w/ my cell phone

ok so two days ago dad was being all u need to help out bc we've been working hard to fix this house up so u need help with something

so i decided to help him clean the pool
not the best choice...

the pool was soooo dirty with like bird poo and such in it so i got all this junk in the net thing and dumped it out and i was backing up to turn around and i backed up a little to much and it's like it happened in slow motion i fell into the pool yelling "nnnyyyyeeeeeee" i know i'm wierd like that. i would've found it funny if my phone wasn't in my pocket though either way the parents still got a good laugh. AND i happend to hit myself on the hip pretty hard

so now i've got a messed up cell and an ugly bruise.

well the phone this morn. would turn on but the screen was EXTREMELY fuzzy so i couldn't see anything

no its pretty late at night and the damn thing won't even turn on!

i've got the new sony ericson slider phone.

does anyone know what to do bc i don't. is there any way to revive it

oh and what sux even more is i had pics. from spring break on there and from buzzfest on there.
May 4th, 2008 at 07:08am