Correct me if I'm wrong... =/ [Please read and give an opinion]

I was on here for quite some time before and it seemed like you could barely ever find a story that didn't have to do with MCR or A7X. Now it's been about half a year and I've decided tot come back.

Now that I've been looking around, I've been seeing that alot of stories are still about MCR, A7X, P!ATD, and now unfortunatly the Jonas Brothers, but still the very rare independantt story, i geuss you could call it, where it is a very good story but no one reads it because if it dosent have to do with a band they loose interest.

Now, I've been thinking, and is it just tha I'm not looking right, or do you also think that people don'tt pay much atenion to stories that dont have the name Gerard or Zacky in them.

I do love reading stories about these bands [minus JBros.] and some sstories are very good, and thtey'll have about maybe 30 something comments on chapter seven. Then a similarly good story about a kid named John and a girl named Megan, will be on chapter 56 and have about 17 comments.

I dosen't seem right to me.

But, is it just hat no one reads it because of interest lose or is it heyare to lazy to comment. I also think that if you read sttory you are pretty much rewiewing it and you need to show that you have given it a thumbs up or thumbs down. Isnt this site to help writers get better. If only one person comments and they lie and say that it was good, then tha isn't going to help the writer. Butt, if a few different people read it and give constructive critisim, then the person will know what hey can change to make it better.

I dont know, maybe I'm wrong. But thats my opinion. Please tell me if i'm wrong, this is just by what I've been seeing lately.
Your opinon is welcome!

xx Miss.Fit xx
May 4th, 2008 at 08:30pm