Girl Meets Boy.

So, here's a common scenario all women incounter sooner or later. And this, in most cases, happens time and time again.

Girl meets boy. Girl is attracted to boy. Girl starts doing illogical things.

Most of yous who are reading this, will already be agreeing that this is exactly what happens over and over again. You meet a guy, who portrays confidence. You feel a sudden "gut" attraction to him. In most women, this initial "gut" attraction is usually followed by questions that you consciously ask yourself.

"Why am I attracted to him?"
"What makes him so attracting?"
"Why can't I make these feelings go away?"

Trust me, these are all questions, you most likely CAN NOT answer for yourself. And that's why most women start asking someone else for advice. The perfect answer to ANY question you may ask yourself, is simply this..... I AM ATTRACTED TO HIM, JUST ACCEPT IT. Now engrave this into your head, and now you can begin to MOVE FORWARD. Questioning why you feel something, is just portraying yourself as being NEEDY. It is setting yourself up, for FAILURE. I know that some of you will be saying, "Well I want to portray myself as being needy, so that I can find a nice guy who can save me." To this I say to you.... FRIENDS save, LOVERS don't. I'll explain the difference between the two of these in another upcoming journal. So just hang tight, and wait for that.

The next time you meet a guy and feel that "gut" attraction to him, DO NOT think negatively or questioning. Instead, think positively.

"Wow, I'm attracted to him, and don't care why."
"The conversation is going good, and I don't care why that is."
"I will not mess this up."

See what I'm doing here? I am engraving positive thinking, during that initial meeting. Most men who "GET IT", will pick up on your positive thinking. And he will respond to you and keep turning on his charm.

There are some men, who just don't "GET IT". If thats the case, then don't worry or even think about it. Because chances are, if he doesn't "GET IT" during the initial meeting, you won't feel that "gut" attraction for him anyways. So it's a mute point. That's when you turn away, and disengage the conversation. And continue to wait for that guy who "GET IT". Believe me, they'll come. And if you're still not sure if it will happen for you, remember this...

If one guy doesn't "GET IT", there's millions more men out there. So, if only 1 out of 10 men "GET IT", that means, 100,000 out of 1 million men WILL. I bet just by reading this, it probably excites you to know that there are that much men who do.

So this is just the first of many things you should be ready for. Right now, I just covered that initial meeting. In the future, I will go deeper into what to do next, after the first meeting.

Now, let me point out. Because I know some people will be wondering. I AM NOT AN EXPERT!" I don't claim to be. I'm just sharing my personal learnings from extensive research. The things I talk about, are the things I do. And I know PLENTY of other who do it aswell. And guess what..... IT WORKS!"

Take care all. xD
May 4th, 2008 at 09:00pm