Suggestions! D:>

Wow, I need to update my poems. I've written like, five or so more since "~Frozen in time~." xD Anyways, I wrote a Sweeney Todd fanfiction. :3 I got on subscriber, but I dunno why 'cause it was only a one-shot. xD But that's cool! =D No comments, but that subscription thing let's me know people like it. ^^

Now I need something else to write. No one's done the story request thing I offered, so maybe I could get requests/suggestions from who's ever reading the journal? Please? ;_; I love writing, people, but I love writing more for others. It makes me feel better and keeps me motivated to finish the story. So who's ever reading this, gimme a fanfic suggestion or just a plain story suggestion. It can be one-shot or on-going, whatever. And hey, if you want, fill out the application thingy I made on my profile. 8D

Come on, people, I'm dyin' here! TT.TT
May 5th, 2008 at 12:14am