Kaikan Phrase and Aucifer! Best Things Ever!

IT used to be a game... Then I found out that it is an anime... I'm talking about Kaikan Phrase!

The story is about a band called "Aucifer", how they start and succeed!

But the way, "Aucifer " is just how they spell their band name but the band name is really "Lucifer"... It was nice.... If you check out their anime then you'll know! (For those very religious persons out there, it doesn't mean they are bad! It's just a name of a band!)

I fell in love with this anime not because of the story but its the music... The band behind their wonderful music is Aucifer... I did not know it till my friend told me... How could I be so blind?

Aucifer created great songs but they got disbanded last 2003!

Right now, I'm looking for their cd's... I wish I could have a compilation or collection of their albums.. I have become a fan of their music...

I just wish they did not got disbanded so soon but things have to happen...

Check them out! Even though the anime is a bit old already....

It's one of my favorites!
May 5th, 2008 at 10:40am