"You guys are moving way too fast."

I hate when people tell you that you're going too fast with your boyfriend/girlfriend. Am I the only one that thinks if you want to do something, you do it and not wait? Like seriously. I don't understand when there's a wrong and a right time. You know what I'm talking about? Like when you tell you're friends that you made out with your boyfriend of like a week and they freak on you and are like "Omg, that's a little fast, don't you think? I think you guys should slow down." I hate it. Whose to say whether your own personal romantic life is too fast? If you want to do something with the other person, you do it, you don't wait, because you want it.

And like, when people say you have to wait like a certain amount of time and then it's okay to say that you love them? Really? If you love someone, you tell them. Love doesn't take time, it's takes a connection.

I don't know if I made any sense, but like it makes sense to me.
May 6th, 2008 at 02:44am