My Personal Answers.

So here I will attempt to answer two questions I have seen come up time and time again. Now, my answers are only from MY OWN personal experience. So some people might not agree, and that's ok. So here goes.....

Question #1: How do I get a guy to notice me?

My answer: I think the answer to this is simple. BE DIFFERENT. I know what most of you will think. You'll say, "I don't want to be any different than I am, he has to want me for who I am." If that's the case, then maybe you have already lost the battle. Think about it a little bit. When a man wants a certain women, HE CHANGES HIMSELF SO HE HAS A BETTER CHANCE AT GETTING THE WOMEN. I've noticed that some men can adapt to any situation. Some have the ability to transform themselves into something more NOTICEBALE.

I'm NOT saying to change your looks. To become more "slutty". I'm saying, try changing your PERSONALITY. Try being more understanding when he "goofs" up. There's no need to try and point out his mistake, especially if other people are around. Here's a little trade secret I've used myself, and it works really well. Try being a little bit more STUBBORN. Don't let him get his way ALL the time. Try DISAGREEING with his beliefs and opinions from time to time. Now, don't do this EVERY time, and when you do this, DO NOT do it in a mean way. Do it in a playful way. If you do this, I've noticed that the guy will think about it. In other words, HE"LL BE THINKING OF YOU!! And isn't that what you want? Yes, you do, and that's a good thing!!

But I must say. Sometimes this will not work. And if it doesn't, that I think it's best to move on. Because it MIGHT be a wasted effort. If you move on, the guy you're looking for just might be around the next corner. But you'll never realize that, until you start moving.

B]Question #2: I know the guy is attracted to me. But he's really shy, or is waiting for something. I want him to ask me out, because I'm too shy to ask him out myslef. And by the way, shouldn't it be the guy who asks the girl out? So, how do I push him into asking me out?

My answer: Ah, there is the age old "rule of attraction". Well, I think that if he doesn't muster up his courage, and ask YOU out, than you HAVE to do it yourself.

But, if you're truly AGAINST asking him, then I have a little something for you to try. You can give him a SUBTLE CLUE that you want him to ask you. Here's some things you can say exactly:

"It's been awhile since I've just gone out for coffee."

"I have like, nothing planned for (use a certain day here)."

"I think another night in watching tv is going to make me go insane."

"Its been such a long time since I (use a certain activity that you'd like to do with him)."

Now, if he can get over his shyness and fear, he'll follow these by asking YOU out. And if he doesn't, then sorry to say this, but you'll either have to A) ask him out yourself, or B) accept that he isn't attracted to you.

So I hope this helped some of you. And don't forget to read my previous journals too. They may help even further. And if any one has any questions, just email them to me, and I'll try to give you the best answer I can.

Take care all!!

May 6th, 2008 at 05:12am