Good stuff, Jack! ;D

I've already gotten two requests. ^^ One's for an band called Minus IQ and the other... well, that one's kinda weird. xD Someone wants me to write a story about killer socks and shoes? Ha, well it's original. xD Hopefully I don't disappoint the people I'm writing for. I'll probably get started tomorrow, going in order from the people who requested first.

As for my next fanfiction for myself [I've decided to do that to keep me entertained] I'll do Cry-Baby. Has anyone ever seen that movie? It's a parody on '50s teen musicals with Johnny Depp in it, and lemme tell you, it's funny. So fucking amusing. xD The lines are corny as shit, I swear you'll be literally lmao-ing at it. Especially the way Johnny says most of his lines. xD They crack me up.
And I'm so amused that that man can do damn near any accent. o_O British, Irish, Russian, Italian-mafia-esque, Cuban, Native---it's insane! xD If he can do Greek and Egyptian I will have total respect for him. I mean, I already do, he's an awesome guy from what I've seen and heard, but still. You go boy from Kentucky! xD [Yes, he's from Kentucky; awesome isn't it?]

I'll probably write fanfics for all the Johnny movies that I like. What can I say, he's one of my fave actors and I think it'd just be great to meat him. :] Anyways, lemme stop before I go all obsessed-fangirl on y'all. xD Remember kids, the story requests are still opeeeen~! ;D

So go fill one out, ya bitches. >:/ [I kid, I kid. xD]
May 6th, 2008 at 08:11am