This sucks

so my day sucks but not as bad as it could be....

so im tottaly not preggers, the test was a tottal neggativs and im stoked about that....
i have to get the shot tonite and it sucks cus the nidle is totaly like

(-------------------------------) that long and it hurts but my momms gunna make cookies so its all good

today is going by slow and i didnt do my hmwork and ill get d-hall.... and im tottaly not stoked about that

my lil sis Riv crashed her skooter lastnight and is all cutted up and it looks narly and she is wablin around cus she cant walk all yah i think it funny but sucks cus she was crying when the people droped her off.

ok so thats all for now...........

sorry i bored u with my totally usless infos u ppls of the world......

ohh and i need to do a page full of metaphors and im not good at them
May 6th, 2008 at 04:27pm