Well, Well, Well.

WOW! i' like stressing over so many things. i'm excited, nervous, sorta physcodic and i'm sure my friends could say i'm alot more but thats just their opion. but i'm like this cause tomorrow is a band festivle were we get judged and rated and the MCR concert [holy crap i'm excited] the day after that i have softball game and cousions birthday party at the same time so i have no idea what i'm doing. i have no idea what i'm supposed to be doing sunday but i'm sure my parents have something for me. monday i have to go to an elementray school to play for band and than i have karate [which my mom is pressuring me to quit.] than tuesday is who knows what. wendsday karate. again. thursday idk and friday idk. than we go to the llama farm[haha] and my friends party than the week repeats it's self. than we have the 8th grade trip[on my birthday] and we're going to philly and hersey. thats basically my whole month. but on top of that i have school and homework i have to watch mybrother and sister after school i have my mom nagging me every 5 seconds to quit karate which i really don't want to quit. she only wants me to quit so i can play basketball in highschool next year which i really don't want to do. than i have my dad who is most likely going to be the reason i'll need theraphy when i'm older. he's made me do some of the stupidst things. i've crashed off of ATVs i've let chickens go in the woods and drive off i've fed a mouse to chickens. and that was just this week. i feel bad about the chickens and the mouse thing and tha ATV was partly my fault but still. oh and my brother has been asking me to show him my boobs. i slapped him. pervert. and the kids only 8! an right now i'm stressing over what to say in the speach for my band director tonight because i'm in band council and we are giving him a gift. i have to talk in front of people. on a mic. not good. oh well. sorry if you've wasted your time reading this. if i get a chance sometime after the concert i'll post a journal about that. toodles.
May 8th, 2008 at 11:28pm