Help me PLEASE!!!!

Okay well i've been going out with a guy for three days but i have dated him for 1 week before. Well him and his friends are playing a game with their girl friend, (my friends and I) and heres how you score
Hug:5 points
kiss:20 points
Grab the ass: 30
last is
make-out is: 50 points

And I'm making my boyfriend loose because all we have done is hug. I mean I want to kiss him but i don't know. I know he wants me to kiss him too. And then my friend was talking to him and she asked him "Don't you want to kiss Paris badly?" and then he said "I don't want to pressure her. She will when she's ready" I think its really sweet that he doesn't want to pressure me. But i don't know my friend has been going out with her boyfriend for a week now but went out with him for 3 weeks before. And she hasn't ever kissed him. I really want to kiss my boyfriend but I don't know. I mean i am causing him to loose. Bleh, Please help I don't know what to do. I really want to kiss him but, Bleh.

Please help!!!
May 9th, 2008 at 01:29am