Are they married?? Or getting Married or what????

Are Gerard and Lyn-Z married or not? My brother and I just got into a fight with my brother over this and it's really stupid. I think they are and he says they're not because he's more "obsessed" with them than I am. Big whoop. I wanted to show him the pictures that I found and he won't come and look at them and he thinks that i'm arguing with him. He says that if Gerard were to get married it would be all over the internet and shit because of how famous they are. Um...Mikey and Alicia's wasn't. No one knew about it until Gerard posted that message on their site....though I guess you would think that they would do the same thing for him...oh well. I can't really argue with my brother on this because he is a bigger fan but that doesn't mean that he should just fucking ignore me when i'm trying to prove my point. He just freaking keeps blowing me off and it's ridiculous that we're even fighting about this.

So I need backup. Are they or are they not married???
May 9th, 2008 at 05:28pm