nightmare in reality

I don't understand this world. I don't understand how can people can just do you so wrong, especially the ones that you have known and grown up with so many years.... just stab you in the back and let bad people hurt you. In this world there are many sick people... and even when you can be in a safe place (or at least thought you were in a safe place) it can turn around and be your biggest nightmare. We live in a world of hate, and its hard to believe but unfortunately its true. That night was a nightmare. It was a horrible nightmare that I can never erase from my memory even if i tried. It wasn't a nightmare were its all in your head and eventually may go away.... its a living nightmare. and i still am living in that nightmare everyday and try to make believe that everything is alright... even when its not. You took almost everything from me. Are you happy? Did you get pleasure out of making one so weak less and take advantage of? You make me sick. and I wish you could feel the pain I do everyday. You will soon get your day... and maybe it will make you think.... or maybe you will just sit back and feel sorry for yourself while one suffers. You ruined me.... but now i am stronger. And I wont let you pull me down, I wont let you make me sick. I just pity you because your sick in the head... and that will never change.
May 10th, 2008 at 06:45am