'Emo' Fashion trend or not?

Does anyone think you have to cut your wrists to be emo? Because I for one think that kids like Hannah Bond (RIP) have been given the wrong information on how to be emo. Poeple think that all emo kids cut themselves. This is not true. Sure there are some kids that do but to think that all emo kids cut is stereotyping a culture and it's not at all cool. Also people expect all emo kids to be unhappy and depressed all the time. This is also untrue. Don't people realise emo kids are normal people. Sure some of them have problems in their lives but doesn't everyone at some point. I would like to send my love and sympathy to Hannah's family and let them know that I am thinking about them. I would also like the websites that give 'guidelines on how to be emo' to think about how they have destroyed families by sending out misleading, stereotypical information to impressionable young people. Hnnah Bond hung herself from her bunk bed because she thought that was the emo fashion. This needs to stop. People need to understand that to be emo doesn't mean that you have to cut or hang yourself.
May 11th, 2008 at 06:23pm