peter, you are the weakest link.

I am a fan of Fall Out Boy, but not a fan of Pete Wentz. I did when I was quite just an obsessed teenie (I admit, I was one.) but I had grown out of him soon after he just fell into a ditch. He fell into a ditch and no one is there to throw him a line or pull him out. Even Patrick won't help Pete. How do I know this? He sent me a telepathic message. Only not really.

I honestly don't care that Pete is marrying Ashlee, for two wrongs make a right, yes? Anyone, I had a dream a few weeks ago-a month maybe, or two- about I interjected Pete's wedding by spewing out fake love towards him. (I kinda found out I was pathetic for love at that moment as well.) And then I went into a depressed sent for thirty-seven seconds, then died a little inside.

On another note, rumors are going around that Brendon Urie is dating her. She's a canadian model and what not, and I find her quite stunning. If they were dating-and even though both denied it, so did Ashlee and Pete about them dating-I would actually be happy because I can't remember the last time Brendon was in love. (Audrey was the last, I think.) Either wayyyyyyyyy, even if Brendon did have some type of love interest in between then and now, I'm kind of glad that whoever does have a girlfriend-Ryan, Jon, Spencer, Patrick(shocker?), Pete, Joe, Andy, Frank, Gerard and Mikey-we should all be glad their happy, right?

On another not, my teachers sent out e-mails about the upcoming end of the school year Poetry Contest and my mom keeps telling me to send in that one poem I did for my communication(reading and writing)class but I keep saying now.

But, unluckily for me, my mom found my project and typed up the poem and sent it to the e-mail address provided in the e-mail. The winner, and 2nd and 3rd runner ups, have to read their poems in front of the school at the end of the year. Kind of sucks, right?

Free coffee and doughnuts though. I know I can look forward to that.

xoxo Delyla.
[/end rant.]
May 12th, 2008 at 02:23am