My last week of school

Yay!!!! I am excited for a few reasons right now.
One, I got my computer back, after being with out if for what seems like forever!
and two, this week marks my last and final week of high school...for ever!!!
It is great...

My senior year hasn't exactly been the best though. I started off moving out of my mother's house and into my grandma's. Then i didnt speak to my mother for 5 months after that, then one of my best friends died of cancer.

So yeah...this year has sucked. I can only come up with enough energy to say, Good bye forever!!!

It's surreal to say the least, but i am SO happy i wont have to hear all the idiotic things in the hall ways again. (People say the stupidest things...for instance, this white wigger kid said, 'fuck white people' you ARE white.)

Anyway, sorry this journal might not seem important...but i really wanted to post something, not have being on here in forever and i missed this a lot!

--will write more meaninful blogs when the moment comes,..=]
May 13th, 2008 at 12:12am