
My mom cried when she received my card that I hand-made. Now 5 years ago this would have been an unbelievable shock to see my own mother cry, she used to be emotionless. Oh how the times have changed. This new mother of mine is either bi-poler or going through premature menopause. Whatever the case may be, It was still a little heart touching to see tears in her eyes from my beautiful words.

In my photography class I've learned a few things this year.
1. I hate photography
2. Art is not my thing
3. Lighting is a bitch

Going into that class, I initially assumed that it was an easy A and I'd find myself a new hobby. I was mistaken. Finding something worth photographing is hard enough but then to get the lighting right and the shutter speed, kripes almighty. Clearly I don't have the skills nor the patience for this artsy shit. I think I'll just stick to digital cameras and photo shop.

Speaking of school, I've completed my 5th and final speech of the year. It's a good feeling.
16 days left of school. 14 if you don't count finals week.

I've also come to my senses and realized that McDonald's is the worst place to have a job. I mean, the employees are great, the energy is great. Food, not so great, and the pay.. extremely shitty. So I applied at a greeting card store right next to "Bagel world" my favorite place to get muffins. I'm crossing my fingers and praying that they will hire me.

If not, well, then it's back to the grill.
May 13th, 2008 at 06:03am