Anyone Good With Dreams

Music poured through out the old Mansion. People laughing and smiling as they danced the night away. Of all the nights I was the skinny pretty one. I stood in the middle of the ballroom dancing with the different suitors. As the fast songs faded and the slow one started, the lights faded.

Thats when I heard the fearful screams fill the nights air. I looked around in a panic. That same dark shadowy figure fell upon me. The fearful screams stopped and the guest gasped in shock and horror.

"I've been waiting for you love," He would whisper.

Fear took over me and controlled my legs. They carried my body down a dark corridor. His soft padding of his feet could slightly be heard behind me.

"Stay away from me!" I screamed.

Running to each door I prayed that it would open. To help save me from the monster who chased after me. He was getting closer to me, I feared looking over my shoulder. But I had a gut feeling that was so close he could almost touch me. The last door was straight a head of me. The burning in my legs was unbearable but I reached the door at the very end and whipped open the door.

"No windows," I whispered to myself.

"I have you now," He said walking into the room.

"Please leave me be," I begged with tears.

"But I love you," He smiled showing his fangs.

That's when I wake up. I have that dream every night. But each night it gets more and more tense and scarier. This has been going on for three years. My therapist told me to too remove the cloak and see who is behind the fangs. But when I tried doing that I would end up waking up or have him biting me.

I'm probably just crazy and this means nothing. But your opinions would be nice though.

May 13th, 2008 at 07:15am