how could a brother be so mean..

when i sit in bed at the end of the night, i have to cry my self asleep..
every day my brother takes off a leaves my sister, mom, and myself to pay for his action. he dose drug and drinks. he has stolen over $1,000 from my mom alone.
he stole over $1,500 worth of things from my sister and myself.

He only thinks of him self... my mom sits at home every night and crys hopeing he is ok.

he is so mean the police wont take him away. when he dose come home he punches holes in the walls snd tries to kill me...

i have been blamed for his actions at school for getting in fight and selling drugs to.

some people think that i live a wonderfully life but they don't see what i have to go through every night.. some day i won't be at school anymore and they will think that i just moved away.

is this the life that i want to share with people? is this the life that i want people to know me as?
May 13th, 2008 at 06:03pm