The Fight for Equality -an essay I wrote for school.

Wouldn't’t it be convenient if there was some sort of international language that everyone knew and understood? That everyone could benefit from and have as their own? Well, there is, it's the language of LOVE, but many people throughout the world are denied this because their perception of love is not the same as everyone else’s, and this should not be the case. Gays and lesbians in relationships are seen as wrong, dirty, sick people, shunned by their families and communities and denied the joy of marriage in most states and countries. There are always cases where we hear about gay people who are killed, tortured, humiliated because they are not accepted in their societies. In Uganda, among other places, same-sex relationships are banned and punishable by law. This unreasonable hate for people who are different should be stopped, and I'd like to explain why.

One main issue in the same-sex marriage debate is equality. The United States of America's law clearly states that every citizen should receive the same rights and privileges. A few states (Vermont, New Jersey, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Oregon and Washington) provide gay and lesbian couples with plays on marriage, such as same-sex civil unions, benefits of marriage and laws against discrimination. How, may I ask, is not allowing certain individuals to be united by marriage a good representation of equality? It isn't. If, for example, black people were suddenly deprived of their rights to marriage among other things, a very large percentage of the population would rebel. Of course, this is partly because they have already gone through discrimination, and fought for their freedom; but must all the different social classes and groups go through that to receive proper treatment? I think not.

Since we're already talking about one hot-button topic, homosexuality, I say we add another that ties in nicely. Religion. Christians regard homosexuality as a sin; it's right up there with with being mean, lazy, vain, jealous, greedy, fat and horny. How and why should loving someone, whether they be a man or a woman, condemn you to the fiery pits of hell? The seven deadly sins can lead to evil-doings, which is why they are sins. Love, on the other hand, cannot lead you astray, lead you to kill or steal. At least not real love. Love is love, pure and simple.

In the Jewish Torah, it states that the nation was told to "go forth and be fruitful and multiply" upon their redemption from Egypt, meaning that relationships should be between a man and a woman, so that they can procreate. Judaism is a religion that was many times in history threatened to be defeated, to stop existing, and so the Jews are a nation that is supportive of each other, and encourage the continuation of their religion. The Jews are also a people that were targeted as a whole, despised and conspired against, just like the blacks and so many others, which is what has given them the relative freedom that they have today. Again, I ask you; should everyone have to go through this to be accepted?

Lastly, I'd just like to say this; why should anyone, anyone at all, ever be treated differently from others, feel emotional or physical pain just because of their religion, skin colour, how they act, what they wear, or even who they love? People that are gay and lesbian are people, like everyone else. They experience pain, happiness, sadness, love. They are no different from you and me, and they shouldn't be treated as though they are.
May 16th, 2008 at 12:16am