
Right, so I had like a total mental breakdown Friday night. Poor Brian. (Boyfriend). He tried to help me via phone for an hour, but failed, sighed, packed his stuff and headed on the periless drive from Atlanta to here, round about 1½ hours. I can't decide if I've got him whipped, or he's just really being nice.

I want to shoot something everytime I hear Alanis Morsette's verison of "My Humps." The first one was BAD ENOUGH. Why go and make ANOTHER more HORRIBLE version. *cocks gun*

I'm slightly thrilled. I have nothing to do tomorrow. I may wash clothes. I don't know.

=D I'm going to San Fransisco in...26 days! I'm scared and excited. =3

Brian and I sat out in the storm Saturday night and just watched the rain and talked. I really enjoy it when we talk. Well, he talks. He's actually really smart. I <3 him.

Kurt Vonnegut died. A part of my literary soul has died.

I'm out of interesting things.
April 16th, 2007 at 04:41am