Eating Disorder sites~

So as one who has struggled with an eating disorder of my own, I found myself browsing recovery tips for Anorexia Nervosa, and came across a few xanga sites that seem cult like in a sense.

There are girls as young as twelve getting their daily fix of thinsporation from experienced pro ana girls. I found this rather disturbing, considering the disease alone is extremely dangerous.

Also the influence of girls who wish to LEARN how to be anorexic? If anyone remembers the basic food tables with the servings of fruit, veggies, etc. Well the anorexic food table I came across goes something like this. Servings only include, cigarettes, caffiene, water, and laxatives.

There are also My space pages, where you type in a search such as anorexic, or bonelove, you'll find an thousands of ana/mia girls keeping each-other in check, some with photos that are beyond the typical Nicole Richie anorexic look.

So I know there are people that are sopposed to keep these sites off the web. It's their job to get rid of the dangerous eating disorder sites. The sites are smarter under name though, still they're not exactly hard to come across. They're just really dangerous for those with poor self-image and I hope that thay don't pride themselves in wanting to be thin only.
May 16th, 2008 at 06:54am