So do you like Eggs In A Basket?

Ah yes, the infamous journal. Sort of like an online comment space. You know I never really used the journal option on any of the writing sites I've ever joined but then I thought "Hey why not!?" So here I am typing this pitiful block of text about nothing....Or is it?

I've decided to use this space to post a recipe of one of my favorite foods. Now you may not care, and if that’s how you feel, feel free to hit the back space any time you please. But if you are interested I do have to say this particular recipe is quite good.

So anyways enough of my blabbing, here is the delicious morsel of goodness!

The one and only...................

Egg in A Basket!


Some of you may know if from that awesome movie V for Vendetta (That’s where I was inspired to learn the recipe.) And you may have thought “Hmm that looks good.” Well I don’t know if you did but I know I certainly did.

Nobody knows where Egg In A Basket originated some say Europe, others say the United States, and some even say Canada but seriously who really cares? Just as long as we can eat the scrum shish breakfast toast!

Things you need:

A skillet (aka pan)
A stove (Uh duh....?)
A spatula
Some bread
Salt & Pepper (optional)

First off butter both sides of the bread, and then use a cookie cutter or the open side of a cup to put a hole in the middle of the bread. Set the stove heat to medium, you do that yet....? Okay good. Now butter the skillet so the bread and egg won’t stick to the pan. Place the bread into the skillet. Then put the egg in the hole immediately after.

Now there are three things you can do with the egg:

1. Scrabble the egg in the middle
2. Leave eggs as is, and have sunny side up
3. Cook both sides of the egg and have over easy eggs

It’s your choice, cook how ever you like your eggs. But if you’re making scrabbled or over easy, you’re going to need to flip the toast over to cook on the other side. So make sure you don’t splat raw egg all over your stove in the process! You know when to flip the toast when the other side is nice and brown. Salt and pepper to your liking, bon appetite!

Much yummy love,

May 16th, 2008 at 07:34am