friends turn fake?

My friend for 4 years. we have been through it all. my addictions her addictions. and on march 15 2:49pm i got a call from her mother. my best friend has just almost killed herself. she is still alive. but the day she passed for those 2 minutes i lost my friend. she wont help me anymore. we talk on the phone barley. the other day she told me that she is not waiting for me and shit that she is leaving me alone in thedark. and that i need to become stronger and shit. it is so hard to look her in the eyes. she does not care. she is starting to bring me down again. she has ruined my life single handely she has made me think that if i fall mabye things well change so i am free faliing. i do not know if i should staright out tell her that she is fucking me over. or just let it go hopeing it is just the withdraw? idk i am hopeing someone well talk to me. someone who cares. i feel that the people here care. i know i am not to involved in this site. but i would really aprreciate it.
love always
May 17th, 2008 at 06:33am