Just. Venting. 5-17-08

okay... all of this is just falling back on me and frustrating the heck out of me. There's this boy i've been dating on and off for about 6 years now. he got a new gf last year when she was a freshman and he was a sophomore. Now they dont date (according to him) and he's been chasing me since september saying he loves me and crap... so she continues to stick around and befreidns al of my friends and his friends and tells them that they're dating and i'm a homewrecker, basically. this girl is so irritating nd fake... i keep asking her if she dislikes me and she says "oh, no, i like you, blah blah blah..." but then everyone else tells me that she says she dislikes me INCLUDING the boy. then she's extrememly clingy and just never leaves him alone (he gets extremely irritated with that) and says she "needs" him to survive and crap threatening to kill herself and crap but he doesnt tell her off becuse he doesnt want to hurt her feelings and stuff...
now im caught in the middle because everyone she talks to dislikes and misplaces me, then he has to hide the fact that he's basically been "courting" me since september, so to speak. this is hurting and irritating me to no end. either just tell her to go away or leave me ALONE.
May 17th, 2008 at 09:46pm