HELP!!! *I need names!!*

Alright. So,
My co-writer and I decided that Boulder City Hotel is over, and the next part of the story has already started lol.
This is because I got to thinking...

"If we don't stop it now...when will we?"

So, Katie *co-writer of course* and I both agreed that the next chapters will be under a new title and start in a new place. Yes. I personally, like this idea. The last few chapters seemed to have been...rushing.

If you have any comments *or even better* quiestions...don't be shy about asking!

We love ALL our readers! This is why, we have a very good quiestion for our readers!
What should the title be out of these choices:

1: L.A. Is For Sinners
2:So Far Away
3: One day you will confess and pray to the saints of Los Angeles! *that was the title of the last chapter and also a song lol*

Tell us k?!?!?


Reese's Pieces!
May 17th, 2008 at 10:16pm