Not so great at times

Dear log and the people:
Mood: thoughful

I was thinking along the lines today and viewed some of my mistakes over the day. Most of my friends say I am pretty good at being a friend. At times, I feel as if the world just fell out of my hands. Not all that smart nor that talented and a little on the dumb side is I. If people are just plain perfect then I must be the misfit in the country of paper cut outs. Sometimes, I wish there was some way to reach up to the magnificent people though I just never had the chance to know them that well and they broke their sanity before I could help.

I know this journal might be a little complex but today, why do you not just be yourself and let the flaws lead you to a better tomorrow.

"Sometimes you may not be the best but mistakes save you from falling harder on your ass than last time."

-Lan Amuro
May 17th, 2008 at 11:28pm