I can't stand my mother.

Like no fucking lie. I'm so fed up with her at this point you fucking understand. I understand that she is my mother and she does have some kind of authority over me, but not to the point where she can tell me who and who not to be friends with. I'm in love with my boyfriend, like seriously in love and I've never been more happy before and she knows it. But like she doesn't know I'm going out with him again because we broke up for a couple days and he hurt my feelings so now my mum hates him. And every time we talk on the phone she rolls her eyes and tells me to do something better with my life.

I know this sounds like an immature fight with her, but I've let her take control of who I'm friends with for too long. I've lost TWO boy/girlfriends over her. I lost a wonderful boyfriend because I let her make me think that he was a liar and that he didn't really like me and that he was only using me. Then I let her totally take control of MY sexuality and lost a best friend/girlfriend to her. I had been with my girlfriend for a year and a half and she had been my best friend for like six years. And I let myself lose her because I wouldn't stick up for myself. And I'm sure as hell not letting her take away this relationship too.
May 18th, 2008 at 04:52am