please read and tell me how wrong i am... i love that stuff.

i'm so freaking fed up with my generation
like, what is wrong with us?
what is wrong with me?
i'm such a FUCKING consumer!
and i know it, and i'm not even TRYING to stop
music is such a FUCKING disgrace nowadays
its just another way to become a FUCKING millionaire
with millions of screaming fans
and then get so FUCKING full of yourself, you stop making quality music, and start letting out SHIT POP albums just to make more FUCKING money
i know there are tons of bands out there that don't do this... but there are definetly more that do
and the fact that so many people out there just do something to be cool
i know you're all like, "i don't dress this way just so that other people will think i'm 'emo' or 'punk'! i just wear skinny jeans and band tees and tons of eyeliner every day because i like the way it looks! i don't wear this stuff for anyone besides myself!"
you can't ALL be genuine
that just doesn't make sense
so in the 80s, COINCIDENTALLY, everyone just LIKED the way leggings looked?
uh uh
and the fact that people are like, "i'm so freaking punk rock, i listen to the offspring, and rancid, and tons of other PUNK bands!"
or, "i'm such a metalhead... i LOVE avenged sevenfold and escape the fate!"
or, "i'm so indie... i listen to the shins and death cab! o YEAH!"
and, "i just watched donnie FUCKING darko.. i'm so artsy"
do you guys even know what the hell you're TALKING about???
May 18th, 2008 at 07:56am